
once in a while造句,takeoff造句简单

haveapoint例句 2023-08-18 14:13 144 墨鱼

once in a while造句,takeoff造句简单

1.once in a while; occasionally 详细解释◎ 偶尔ǒu ěr [occasionally;forom time to time;once in a while] 很少出现;远不是经常的他总是出外勤,偶尔回1. Once in a while we had a major blowout.我们偶尔会吃顿大餐。来自柯林斯例句2. Earrings need to be taken out and cleaned once in a while.耳环要偶尔取出

╯▂╰ 25、Once in a while, it will fallonce in a while. A Buddha, a magic, a heart pain, a torment. A heart, a lamp, a clean and pure mind. 26、Everyonceevery once in a while英语造句,1、Every once in a while one of my lambs will develop a habit of straying.时不时地会有羊养成迷失的习惯。2、Every once

∪△∪ 1.once in a while; occasionally 详细解释◎ 偶尔ǒu ěr [occasionally;forom time to time;once in a while] 很少出现;远不是经常的他总是出外勤,偶尔回2. 我们公司不经常有聚餐,但是会定期地组织一次,once in a while,让员工们放松一下。3. 我并不是经常吃甜食,只是偶尔会想吃一点,once in a while,不会影响我的健康。4. 我

01、onceinawhile造句1.It's a relief to get out of the office once in a while.偶尔走出办公室去透透气也是一种调剂。2.There is no reason why you couldn't live it up once4、Once in a while we go to a restaurant but usually we eat at home我们偶尔下馆子--但一般都在家吃。5、Every once in a while one of my lambs will develop a habit

1.once in a while; occasionally 详细解释◎ 偶尔ǒu ěr [occasionally;forom time to time;once in a while] 很少出现;远不是经常的他总是出外勤,偶尔回趟总部也呆不了多久2、once in a while we had a major blowout.(时不时我们就大吃大喝一场。3、once in a while, I'll listen to the radio to see what they are putting out, but it's not


标签: takeoff造句简单



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