
set sb up to do sth,put into

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set sb up to do sth,put into

16.表示“阻止、防止、禁止”的动词都可以与from连用ban/prohibit/restrict/restrain sb from doing sth 禁止某人做某事prevent/stop sb (from) doing sth 阻区别是:在英语中out比about这个词组更正式一些,所以当说set out to do sth的时候,sb的决心稍微比set about doing sth大一些。例句辨析:set about doing sth 1

他们已经开始环游世界。set out意思是从某地出发上路例:she set out at dawn.她天一亮就动身了。另外,set out to do sth是开始/着手干某事而,set sb off doing sth是使某人开始set up to do sth发音意思翻译准备做某事相似词语短语set to do sth───准备做某事to do up sth───做某事to do sth───做某事set to do───开始做;准备做

1、set sb. up: 算计例:God, you guys are good. I mean, you set me up perfectly. 天哪,你们真棒。我说,你们帮装地太好了。2、would rather: 宁可,宁愿例setsb/sth doing使……开始Hiswordssetmethinkingaboutmyfuture. The wind set the trees rustling. 风吹动树叶沙沙作响。setfiretosth=set sth on fire=set sth alight=set sth ablaze点燃;放

网络释义1. 介词短语高考英语考前知识点整理set up 竖起来,建立,成立;自称set sb. to do sth. set sb. doing sth. set sb. +介词短语jxenglish|基于1set up shop (slang) : to start to doing sth like a professional, etc. 2.set sb up: to arrange a meeting, like a date 撮合某人we set them up for a date set sb up : to f

(=`′=) 6. set sb to do sth 安排某人做某事。例如:He set his son John to repair the broken bicycle immediately John got home. 他儿子约翰一到家,他就让他修那辆破自行车。7set sth./sb. doing使开始eg: He set the machine going with a push. 他推了一下闸,使机器开动起来。set to do动手干(认真开始干,争论,拳赛,殴斗) We can set to work


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