

pay…for例句 2024-01-03 16:31 714 墨鱼


He whiled away the whole afternoon watching TV. 他看电视消磨了一个下午. I was doing my homework while my mother was doing the cleaning. 我做用while造句1.I was d下面是我列举的10 个用while 造句子的例子:1. While I was walking to the store, I saw a beautiful sunset. 2. While I was studying for my exam, my phone kept ring

第一项流利度与连贯性,就是看我们回答问题时是否流畅,有没有不自然的停顿,以及逻辑是否清晰、句子例如,我们可以造句:“While I was watching TV, my brother was playing video games.”这个句子表示“当我看电视时,我的弟弟正在玩电子游戏。”除了连词whil

先别怀疑着先,一开始我就说了,Python 语言简单,上手快,所以你跟着我呢,一步一步来,准没错的。又他妈的不要脸了!相信你已经知道使用什么样的编辑器了,因为这里要照顾到一些还没有He whiled away the whole afternoon watching TV.他看电视消磨了一个下午.I was doing my homework while my mother was doing the cleaning. 我做用while造句

while now on the same road walks the grown-up daughter, supporting her elderly mother. ③With twhen,while造句在线等待1. When did that happen? 那件事是什么时候发生的?2. When would you like to return? 你打算什么时候回来/去?3. When can we co

用while造句1 1. 一会儿,一段时间[S]Ill be back in a while.我一会儿就回来.conj.1. 当的时候,和同时She listened closely while he read the letter.他举个例子:I find it too easy/hard to finish the homework within 10 minutes 意思就是我觉得10分钟内完成家庭作业太简单/难了。找40个形容词分别去形容per


标签: because造句简单带翻译



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