

shock的用法和意义 2023-08-29 13:08 221 墨鱼


考纲词汇:shock用法总结shock n.震惊;令人震惊的事;休克vt.(使)震惊shockedadj.震惊的;惊讶的shockingadj.令人震惊的[词义探究]体会shock的用法和意义I lshock的短语例句:1. The violence in her tone gave Alistair a shock. 她语气之强烈令阿利斯泰尔深感震惊。2. It was quite a shock to see my face on that screen! 从那

shock 网络解释1. 1. shock:shocking; 东京帝国剧场shock 双语例句1. 1. Flammable Gases: If the HeartStart is used to give a shock in the presence of flammable gasto me to me───对我对我To me───对我而言me to───我…septic shock───感染性休克;败血性休克;脓毒性休克anencephalic shock───无脑休克双语使用场景Th

?▂? shock to the core shock to my core/my very core 都是一个意思,core 核心。震惊到核心里了“非常震惊”就是了图2柯林斯词典释义,图3 urban dshock to的英文翻译是什么意思,词典释义与在线翻译:参考翻译对…的震惊shock to的用法和样例:例句The news of his mother's death was a terrible shock to him. 他母亲

∩0∩ 大家好,欢迎来的饼哥英语的频道,今天我们分享一个非常有用且地道的表达——a shock to the system, 这个短语的含义不是指“系统打击”,其正确的含义是:a shock to the system singapore is only 150km to the equator . t hat’s why it’s the land of endless summer . m : i know . that’s why it’s a huge shock arriving from england . what’s on

Ice Blues 冰蓝布鲁斯Shock to the System 系统震撼Third Man Out 三号嫌疑犯baike.baidu|基于133个网页2. 体制震撼辅大电影社:2009/10/1 - 2009/11/1 十SHOCK TO[直译]电击至[详尽释义]1. 对的震惊SHOCK TO是什么意思?以上就是SHOCK TO的含义解释和发音。最近查询] BOUNTEOUSNESS CALDAIROU COME UP MISSING CENTRALIZED SUPERVISORY AND CONT


标签: shock的词义探究



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