
be impressed by,be related to

combine with 2023-12-21 19:46 432 墨鱼
combine with

be impressed by,be related to

be impressed by …被…所感动;对…留下深刻印象be impressed with vt.为所感动impressed stoneware 印纹炻器impressed voltage 【电】外施电压impressed frequencyimpress通常为及物动词,意为“使……明白重要性,留下了深刻的印象”;其被动式be impressed很常用,后可接with/by. 扩展资料1、impress为及物动词,意为“使……明白重要性,留

(-__-)b 3、You will be impressed by the easiness and simplicity of user's interface. 你会对该软件舒适且简单的用户界面留下深刻的印象。4、People who have visHe pretended to be impressed by their new car but he was only acting a part. 他裝出喜歡他們的新車,但那隻不過是他裝腔作勢而已。Customers will be im

impress sb. (with sth.) 给予某人深刻印象be impressed by/with/at sth 对…印象深刻例句① I 22. be impressed with/by someone/something 佩服I'm very impressed with/by her English. 23. be fed up/bored with something 对某事感到无聊I'm fed u

二者意思不同及语态不同,be impressed with留下深刻印象;be impressed by被……所感动,是指前者被后者感动,或者留下深刻印象,可以说是被动形式的。例:I was very impressed with t9、People who have visited the Forbidden City wouldbe impressed bythe wisdom of the ancient Chinese. 10、There is no one who would notbe impressed b


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