

用meet造句子简单 2023-09-29 22:34 552 墨鱼


单词too 例句大全,用单词too造句:Andtoomany root of all associates arrested, buttoomany root but managed to escape. 并将许根太的同伙悉数抓获,但许根太却侥幸逃脱。He likes playing baseball,me too.

●△● too的造句1. The cake was too sweet for my taste, so I couldn't finish it. 2. The movie was too scary for me, so I had to cover my eyes during some parts. 3. The 用too造句简单的句子【一】1 . 到了该暴露真相的时刻了。2 . 你居然让我们回答这么难的问题!3 . 我的小小纸船愿意在光阴的涟漪上凌波而舞,却不想抵达任何港口。4 . 五朵杜鹃花

╯^╰〉 It's too early for getting up. 现在起床还太早. He plays the guitar and sings too. 他会弹吉他,也会唱歌. A cycling holiday would be too much for an unfit person likGuys can be codependent, too.男人们也可能是依赖助成者。《柯林斯英汉双解大词典》It's too tight across the back.背部太紧。《牛津词典》Perhaps I spoke too

ˇ﹏ˇ 1. only too [例句] That patient is only too glad to go home. 那个病人太高兴了,所以不能回家。误] 那个病人非常高兴能够回家。正] [说明] only too等于very,意为“太”、“极用too 造句1. I ate too much at the buffet and now I feel sick. 2. It is too hot outside, so I decided to stay indoors. 3. She was too tired to go to the gym afte

1、Too small,toorisky, andtoounprepared. 2、Too late, perhapstoolate. 3、Too young. Too smart. Too expensive. Too pretty. Too plain. Too fat. Too shHe walks too slowly to get there on time.他走得太慢,不能按时到达那儿。I'm too tired to think of anything now.我太累了,什么也不能想了。句型II:tooto+to be V-ed这是"to


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