

归零 英文 2023-09-26 19:58 389 墨鱼
归零 英文


曙光[shǔ guāng] 曙光的英文翻译基本释义dawn first light of morning morning twilight aurora 参考释义曙光的用法和样例:例句曙光是白昼的先驱。Dawn is the hera曙光的英语是:dawn。1、同近义词:(1)aurora:晨曦;曙光;朝霞;北极光。(2)twilight:指日落后或日出前的微

与曙光有关的英语句子与曙光有关的英语句子1. The dawn broke over the mountains, painting the sky in shades of pink and orange. 2. The sunrise over the ocean is one"曙光的" 英语翻译volume_up 曙光的[shǔ ɡuānɡ de]{形} EN volume_up auroral 翻译CN 曙光的[shǔ ɡuānɡ de]{形容词} volume_up 曙光的(又作:极光的,玫瑰色的) vol

ˇωˇ 曙光的英文:dawn the dawn of a new epoch (metaphor) 参考例句:The aurora flushed into the sky . 曙光映红了天空。mutant Gene "Sparked Art and Culture曙光[shǔ guāng] 1.dawn 2.first light of morning 3.the first light of morning 4.flush of dawn 英语强人团为您解

light at the end of the tunnel曙光= the end of a difficult situation or task, the solution to a difficult problem I've been working on this book fo曙光导航搜单词翻译句子曙光用英语怎么说,曙光的英文,曙光的意思曙光基本解释dawntwilightmorning twilight 曙光的英文和例句提示:点击例句中的单词,就可以看到词义解释


标签: 冷门又惊艳的英文



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