
用manage to do造句,beg to do sth造句

manage to do等于什么 2023-08-29 11:51 798 墨鱼
manage to do等于什么

用manage to do造句,beg to do sth造句

你好,很高兴在这里回答你的问题:I managed to open the door at last.6、manage to do sth. 设法做成某事例句1:He managed to fix the computer.译文1:他设法修好了电脑。例句2:Mike managed to finish his homework on time.译文2:迈克设法按时

单词manage to do 释义单词释义:设法做成某事[更多..] 单词造句manage则用在很难做的事情上,设法,勉励完成,所以是manage to do。2)pay for 表示“支付”也表示“付出代价”第二句中,“对大部分孩子来说”,可以使用短语的形式for most of …

manage to do 设法做到he managed to save her in time.他设法及时挽救了她。manage to do something 努力做了某件事; 成功地做某事will manage to do 能做到; 将管理做; 正在翻译; 将管理manage to make do 可着manage to do the 成功做某事sb

2、We all want to get more things done during the day but very few of us actuallymanage to dothat.(我们都想在白天做更多的事情,但是真正能做到的却只有类型英语造句1、The trick is tomanage to dothis in real time, at frame rates of 100 to 1,000 per second.(这项技术成功实时地实现,帧速率是100到1000每秒。2、We all

manage to do造句1、manage to dowhat is beyond one's power 2、How does the sperm whalemanage to dothis? 3、Yeah, How on earth did theymanage to doth17、How do youmanage tokeep the house to cool in this hot weather? 18、After a number of mishaps she didmanage toget back to Germany. 19、And if tec


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