

factoryworker读语音 2023-08-29 14:22 551 墨鱼


6、A title is entitled to theretired workerwho repaired the entire tire tirelessly. 7、My father is aretired worker. In order to streamline the army 5.Firstofall,Iwanttothankyouforhelpingme.首先,对于你对我的帮助,我想说声谢谢.

My father is a factory worker 我妈妈不是一个工厂工人My mother is not a factory worker 他是一名工厂工人He is a factory worker 他是工厂工人He isMy father is a factory worker, he works hard every day to support our family.(我父亲是一名工厂工人,他每天

factory worker造句1、At that time, I would rather have been afactoryworkerthan an animal keeper," he said. “那时,我宁愿做一个工厂工人,也不愿做动物饲养员,”他说单词Worker 例句大全,用单词Worker造句:She addressed the issues of domestic workers, child labour and forced labour in the informal economy.她谈到非正规经济中家庭佣

fact-是一个词根表示“做”,后面的ory是一个名词后缀,所以factory表示“工人做东西、生产产品的一个地方”。perfect, 表示“完美的”,前面的前缀per-这里表示“加强语气”,后面fe94.She used to be a factoryworker. 她曾是个工厂工人-- 来源-- 小学英语(五年级下学期适用)(2003年12月版;2003年12 - MODULE 1 Talents Unit 3 She used to be a factory

>▂< factory造句复制1、A strike has shut thefactory.(罢工使工厂停业。2、Thefactoryis no longer economically viable.(这个工厂在经济上已经维持不下去了。3、That oldfactoryworker businessman Isyourfatherapostman? No,heisn ’t. Whatdoeshedo? He’sabusinessman. 六、授课反省postman policeofficer 第三课时授课方案(B.Let’stryLet


标签: afraid造句



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