
Iworrythat,that I

I think that 2023-12-20 21:59 139 墨鱼
I think that

Iworrythat,that I

解析可以,但是that一般都是省略的分析总结。可以但是that一般都是省略的结果一题目I worry about后面可以跟一个that从句吗?答案可以,但是that一般都是省略的相关推荐worrythat从句worrythat从句“worry that”从句通常表示对未来可能发生的事情感到担心或忧虑。以下是“worry that”从句的一般语法结构:主语+ worry + that + 从句例如:

˙0˙ M: Did you take these pictures They are very good. W: Yes, I think they turned out very well too. I like to bring my camera with me wherever I go. THere’s a common scenario that any number of entreprenuers face today:you’re the CEO of a small busin ess and though you're making a nice1, you need

51. So far there has been no scientific proof of the educational benefits of iPads.52. American parents worry that overuse of tablets will create pr我认为第一个--I worry about you is a general statement which means that the speaker is generally worried, most of the time, about this person. 是一种常用的说法,含

1、Oneisalwaysonastrangeroad,watchingstrangesceneryandlisteningtostrangemusic.Thenoneday,youwillfindthatthethingsyoutryhardtoforgetarealreadygone.一3. worry oneself - 忧虑,担心自己担忧是指对某事或某人感到担心、焦虑或不安。1. She worries

worrying 是动词worry的现在分词或者动名词形式,也就是说它失去了动词作谓语的特性,它在句中通常作名词或者形容词5, I worry that my hope is too bright and impossible to achieve! 6, forget the calamities in dreams, just want to be happy in reality! 7, I prepare


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