

用can造句5个一个地球人 2023-12-21 22:53 260 墨鱼


5、一味墨守成规,只会阻碍社会各项事业的发展用墨守成规的反义词造句标新立异:我们在思想上一定要随潮流,千万不能标新立异的。除旧布新:尽管哈姆雷特有令人钦佩的才能,竭力想除旧用can you 造句5个优质解答Can you sing?Can you dance?Can you jump?Can you run?Can you fly?优质答案解析王老师回答题目:2621条看完仍有疑问?有类似问题

篇1:can的用法总结并造句The resources at our disposal could have been better utilized. 我们所掌握的资源本来可以利用得更好,获得更高的`效益。You can't stop people saying1.I can carry both suitcases. Can you remember the war?2.The President can veto congressional bills.3.I can tune the harpsichord as well as play it

>△< 1. Can you hold on a minute, please?    请你等一下好吗?2. You can't pick the ball up in football.    1、red shirt造句:Maybe hero the girl in the red shirt. 也许以红衬衣的姑娘为中心会更好。He wore black pants, a red shirt and a red baseball hat. 他身穿黑色裤子和红色衬

≥﹏≤ There can be a lot of traffic during rush hour. Can there be life on other planets? 许可句型:主语+ can +动词原形例句:Can I go to the party with my friends? Cancan造句1、Can also get, can not also can! 2、Can you can a can as a cannery cans can? 3、I can open the can. 4、If I can, you can. 5、This can open

ˇ﹏ˇ 8.Can I be excused?用can造句子5个1. I can swim across the pool in less than a minute. 2. I can speak three languages fluently. 3. I can solve this math problem without a calculator


标签: can造句



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