
make sth of oneself,make for

oneselfknow什么意思 2023-08-22 16:07 154 墨鱼

make sth of oneself,make for

1.取得成功2.使自己有点出息(make sth.of ……利用;从……中得到好处)1.make up to sb讨好、巴结某人;2.make up for sth with弥补;3.make towards sth移动,移向;4.make sth of sb/sth了解、理解;5.make sb/sth into sth 制成。总结以上便是我为大

himselfby 1932.•He looked like a man who might beabletomake something of himselfif a good woman took him in hand.•She began to think of it as he, andwonderedif make something of oneself的用法和样例:例句This was the key to success of our initial talks. 这就是我们当初会谈取得成功的关键所在。We got success at a tr ial of

make something of oneself 每日打卡10分钟,词汇量将突破极限。词表可中英文自测,通过游戏轻松加深记忆。从四六级到托福、GRE词汇,词典中有海量例句和视频。单词本…makemake heavy weather of something对某事小题大做,使事情更麻烦make a pig of oneselfphr. 狼吞虎咽,大吃大喝make an exhibition of oneself出洋相,丢脸,当众出丑相似单词

#我们这一天# 0615,make something of oneself 有所成就,取得成功neck of the woods 附近一带(一般指乡村地区)be no stranger to 对…不陌生know the drill 知道规矩ease in (小make sth of oneself 获得成功,有所成就He decided to go back to college andmake something of himself. 他决定回到大学,要有所作为。6 Your life gets bound up in theirs unti

1.make a pig of oneself 这个短语真的和丸子第一眼见到它想表达的意思完全不一样,开始丸子真的以为它想表达的是谁变成了猪仔,然而真相只有一个,它完全不是这个意思,而是指狼吞虎make something of oneself发音意思翻译有所成就取得成功相似词语短语something of───有几分;在某种意义上;有几分;略微of oneself───自动地,自发地;adv.自动


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