

howmany同义句转换 2022-12-25 07:55 704 墨鱼


答案:how you can 解析:即将原句中的“疑问词+不定式”结构转换成宾语从句。4. You should put them back after you use them. You should put them back ___ ___ them. 答案:afteLet’scontinue/gocost=spend=take=pay初中英语同义句转换大全spenttenyuanbook../Thisbookcostmetenyuan./Ipaidtenyuantookusthreedaystask。Wespentthreed

句转换同义中考英语borrowfromshopkeeper 中考英语同义句转换同义词(组)间同义句转换训练Letter1.Alitter一点儿,少许她可以和你一起去,因为她懂一点儿法语。S将如下“why”疑问句变成“how come”疑问句:◆ 1. Why was she at the meeting?◆ 2. Why are

∩0∩ 1.How come = Why 首先要告诉大家,How come的意思其实就是Why,也就是中文「为什么」的意思,属于较为不正式,或是口头比较常使用的惯用语。若在商务场合、重大社交场合,或是公开场合How n. 1.[英格兰人姓氏] 豪。Howe的变体come v.[I] 1.[come (to…(from…来(指行动过程);[come (to…来(指到达);[come (to sth) (with sb) ]来(相聚或出席); [通常与现在COME =Compute

He will go back/return in a month. 27.why/what for/how come –She cried so badly. –How come? What did she cry so sadly for?/ Why did she cry so badly? 28.over/more th27 why/what for/how come -She cried so badly. –How come? What did she cry so sadly for?/Why did she cry so badly? 28 over/more than Over/More than a hundred p

⊙0⊙ return/go backHe will go back/return in a month.27 why/what for/how come-She cried so badly.- How comeWhat did she cry so sadly for/Why did she cry so badly 28 over/mor1把HOW 改成WHAT 2come up with discussion 3c 这是现在完成时虚拟语气,为“你本应.却没有.”,对初二来说超出范围.结构:主语+should have done+宾语+其他成分(与


标签: called的同义句转换



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