
你太厉害了 英文,你很厉害英语口语怎么说

太牛太厉害了的英文 2023-08-25 11:11 640 墨鱼

你太厉害了 英文,你很厉害英语口语怎么说

You are better than the best!You are so cool!很多种说法.

∩ω∩ 你真厉害的英文:you are wonderful;you are great ; you are awesome 相关短语:1、Wonderful review 精彩回顾; 精彩回眸2、Wonderful Wildlife 奇妙的野生生物3、Something Wona這首歌真的好棒聽了都會莫名的想掉淚This first song real attagirl listened to be able inexplicable to want to shed tears [translate] a你太厉害啦You too fi

You are brilliant!You are so cool!很多种说法点击边并且采取螺丝刀。然后去熊并且去除电池并且投入他们在振荡器。没有线索以后要做那什么[translate] a你太厉害了。You too were fierce.[translate]

1、你很厉害用英语是:You are awesome和you are great和you are wonderful。2、其中你真厉害的英文有02. Something 太厉害,很牛● 这个单词有这样的英文解释:If you say that a person or thing is something or is really , something, you mean that you ar


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