

大减价大促销的英文 2023-12-22 10:05 338 墨鱼


big discounted sale 大减价BIG SALE & HOT 男装特卖be on big sale 大减价a big sale 大减价; 大甩卖A loss big sale 亏本大甩卖2 curse n. 诅咒;咒骂vt. 诅咒;咒骂满分英语范文3:大减价Three competing shopkeepers rent an adjacent store in a shopping center. Observers wait for chaos to happen. The retailer on th

1、“大减价”英文怎么说?on sale 常用的口语含义就是"大减价"。on sale也表示正在销售,而for sale则强调待售例:I bought this dress on sale, for ¥500 less than the originaan end-of-season sale 季末大减价a clearance sale 清仓大甩卖sale goods 降价商品sale prices 促销价举个例子:I bought this in the January sales.我在一月份降价时买了这个

大甩卖;大减价If you describe a sale of goods or other assets as a fire sale, you mean that everything is being sold very cheaply. fire sale [ˈfaiə seil] 大甩卖;大减价big英语怎么说短语搭配:a big deal重要事件a big deal of大量的big business大宗业务;大生意big fan狂热粉丝big sale大减价;大拍卖;大甩卖例句:1、The doctor gives me this

big sale:大甩卖;大买卖例:That's too unreasonable! Aren't you having a big sale today? 太贵了,今天你们不是搞活动大减价吗?I'd just madea big sale to4. everything must go. 清仓大甩卖这句话是商家们在做清仓大甩卖时常用的广告词,它的意思很像从大卖场的喇叭里传出的“一件不剩,半件不留”。有些店铺在做“


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