09-26 387
请假的英文表达 |
请假事由:XXXXX 请假天数:X天正文:尊敬的老师:我因XXXXX,不得不请假,请假时间X月X日至X月X日,共计X天。期间我会安排好自学任务,并在回校后向您请教所学内容。感谢您的理解和支持!请假Article英语is writtenrequestforleave。文章请假应写为requestforleave,以请求领导或老师或其他文件请假不参加某项工作、学习、活动等。请假文章因为请假,一般分为病假和事假两
给国外老师发email请假条1 July 20, Dear Mr. Black: I am terribly sorry to informyou that I am unable to go to school today owing to a severe headache. I enclosea certific和老师请假的英文email如下:Days ago, I got the phone from my teacher. I have to go back to make my graduation design and take graduation photos. As for
I'll be working from home and available online.(和老师很熟建议直接讲明请假原因)2⃣️🌟I got some family issues that I need to take a day off.(除了病假之外,如果有事情也♀️请假理由大全1⃣️ I have a stomachache today probably from the sashimi I had last night. I'll be working from home and available online.(和老师很熟建议直接讲明请
高分英语作文1:An email asking the teacher for leave when he is ill Thank you for all your help in the past semester. When I ask you questions, you are always so patient和老师请假的英文email主题篇一7 July Dear Mr. Smith, On account of an attack of the flu with a severe headache, I shall be unable to attend classes today, for whi
XXX英文请假条写作需注意三点:1、英文中请假条的写法和汉语请假条相同,它一般由四部分组成,即时间可以跟老师说他我已经请假5. 请假的英文邮件简单Dear Mr/Ms XXX: Today I'm writing to you to ask for a five-day leave, for I've a feverd last night w
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标签: 家长代孩子请假对话英文