

aloud的中文意思 2023-12-12 17:11 101 墨鱼


or read aloud to other people.由专家撰写的科学文章,并且经常会用于书籍杂志的发展部,又或者用于众人前的大声朗读。PaperStory Reading and Discussion (15 minutes) Read the story "The Magical Garden" aloud to the class. Pause at key points to ask questions and encourage discussion. Here are

When we were children, our father readaloudto us 我们小的时候,父亲会给我们朗读。柯林斯高阶英语词典" If you're not tired, fish, " he saidaloud, " you must be 9. He was in the habit of thinking aloud. 他有个习惯,心里想,嘴里就不知不觉说出来。10. aloud在线翻译10. Software Description: About BookBuddi, RealVoice Talking

>▽< 中文翻译与英英解释adv.高声,响亮。shout aloud 大叫。It reeks aloud. 〔俚语〕臭极了。think aloud 自言自语。using the voice; not silently; "please read the passaloud英音:[ə'laud] 美音:[ə'laud] adv.1. 出声地2. 大声地英英释义with relatively high volume using the voice; not silently 访问沪江小D查看aloud的更多详细解释> 近义词辨析这些副词

I can't hear clearly, you'd better speak aloud.唉,初中也该懂这个了中文:我听不清楚,你最好说响点。He bit his lip to stop it from cryingaloud. 他咬住嘴唇,以防自己疼得叫出声来。——精选例句◎ 比邻bi0.cn 3. He did not express his thoughtsaloud

单词aloud 例句大全,用单词aloud造句:thinkaloud. 出声思考法Please singaloud! 请大点声唱!Please singaloud! 请大点声唱!Readaloud, please. 请大声念。To Bawl, wailEnglish for Everyone Series 口语不流利---学它语音不纯正---学它词汇量不够---学它语法不扎实


标签: meaning造句并翻译



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