

国开大学人文英语2自测题1至8答案 2023-12-27 15:16 297 墨鱼


国开-人文英语2Unit4 形考成绩_单元自测4(10分)-学习资料答案试卷总分:100 100 1.We can act ___ the interview. A.on B.out C.as 答案:B 一、选择填空题(每题10分,共5题) 2本文将为大家解析国开电大人文英语4形考任务单元自测2的参考答案,帮助大家更好地备考。第一部分:阅读理解Passage 1 1.B 2.D 3.A 4.C 5.D Passage 2 6.B 7.A

Bearyou'llalwaysmakegreatimpression.Keepyourcoverletterbriefpoint.Writingmorethanonepageusuallyunnecessary.email,writingthreeshortparagraphsquitesuf国开形成性考核《人文英语(1)》单元自测(4)试题及答案(课程ID:04013,整套相同,如遇顺序不同,Ctrl+F 查找,祝同学们取得优异成绩! 4、Festivals 一、选择填空

国开《人文英语4》形考任务单元自测2答案“题目:– How many languages does Peter speak? –___ : Five languages. ; With his roommates. ; Pretty well.”“题目:– Som国开电大人文英语2形考任务单元自测4答案.pdf,国开电大人文英语形考任务单元自测答案2 4 题目顺序是随机的,使用查找功能(Ctrl+F)进行搜索"题目:—__ ?

2. Today, people all over the world celebrate St. Valentine's Day. 3. Halloween falls on the end of November. 4. Symbols of Halloween include ghosts1、国开人文英语2形考任务单元自测4答案题目为随机,用查找功能(Ctrl+F)搜索题目题目: ? I wonder if you could practice interviewing with me in advance.What can I do for you?

2. Employers look for key skills andexperience. 3. It is an advertisement of yourpotential value to the corporation 4. Have others review your résuA.With his roommates.B.Five languages.C. Pretty well.D.题目:– Something went wrong with my


标签: 理工英语3形考单元自测答案



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