

go to films翻译 2023-09-20 17:46 141 墨鱼
go to films翻译


经常用到这两种英语翻译:1. go to the doctor 直译:到医生那里,引申为有病去看医 生。例句:When she feels ill, she goes to the doctor.当她感觉不舒服时,就去看医生。2echo Please set the JAVA_HOME variable in your environment to match the >&2 echo location of your Java installation. >&2 echo. goto error :OkJHom

go to the doctor中文意思是"看医生,看病" 但go to the doctor是"去医生的办公室" 是有区别的. go to the doctor指去看医生,去看病go to the doctor's指去医意思翻译去看病相似词语短语doctors───n.[医]医生(doctor的复数);v.为…诊治(doctor的单数第三人称) go to the───去go to go───去吧,去吧skill doctors───

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gotothedoctor造句简单go to the doctor造句1、go to the doctor to Be overhauled 2、I don't want to go to the doctor. 3、You'd better go to the doctor about your c外国人说“go to the doctor”,我们都理解成去医院看病,其实人家才是真正的去看医生。人家不是有病了才去的,那是定期去体检、咨询、评价身体健康状况,防患于未然。有什么身体状况异


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