

makesbdosth造句及翻译 2023-08-28 21:46 656 墨鱼


usedtodo过去常常做某事beusedtodosth被用于做某事. beusedtodoing习惯于做某事Beusedtodo被用来做beusedfordoing被用来干。五、be used to do相当于那个短语?beusedtodo是uses20、usesthtodosth用某物来做某事weusethewatertocleanthecar.我们用水清洗汽车。21、Iusedtosmokealot,butnowIdon'tsmoke.Heusedtodrinkalot,butnowheseldom

use to do和use doing区别!百度知道be used to doing 习惯做某事use sth to dosth用……做……used to do sth 过去常常…zhidao.baidu|基于10个网页3. 使用…答案解析查看更多优质解析解答一举报use sth.to do sth.用某物做某事use sth.for doing sth.用某物做某事We use erasers to clean the blackboard. 解析

?^? usesthtodosth造句5个:We used the seal's fur for coats.我们用海豹皮做大衣;She decided to use it for gifts.她决定用它作礼物等。扩展资料use sth to doUse sth to do sth,意思是用某物去做某事,造句:I use toothbrush to brush my teeth.我用牙刷来刷牙。希望楼主采纳。

˙ω˙ use sth to do sth 造句1. I use my phone to check the weather every morning before I leave the house. 2. She uses her laptop to write her essays for school. 3. HeI use the pen to write.我用钢笔写字。

关于be used to do sth 造句子,be used to do sth这个很多人还不知道,今天菲菲来为大家解答以上的问题,现在让我们一起来看看吧!1、你好,be used to sth./do一、use sth to do和use sth for doing所表达的意思不同。use sth to do表示用某物做某事,use sth for doing表示为了某事而去做。例句:People there used the grass for medicine


标签: helpsbtodosth造句并翻译



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