
a glove,volcano

a coat 2023-12-11 17:57 458 墨鱼
a coat

a glove,volcano

>▂< 福建泉州爱格乐制衣有限公司(福建爱格乐实业有限公司)位于“中国校服之乡”惠安,始创于1983年,近40年专注于学生(青少年)服装研发、生产、销售、物流及校服综合服务的专业型企业,系福建省学生校服1. glove在线翻译1. This is a baseball glove for Jessie because he may not understand how important he is, even though you have to pay bills before you can buy gl

fit like a glove 完全相合;非常合适,合身I love these pants because they fit like a glove and they're so comfortable.我喜欢这条裤子,因为它们很合身,而且很舒服。The al同义词:boxing glove 例句:`Cautious' is a description that certainly fits the new president like a glove. 用`谨小慎微'来形容新会长很恰当。My dress fits (me) like

福建泉州爱格乐制衣有限公司(福建爱格乐实业有限公司)位于“中国校服之乡”惠安,始创于1983年,专注于学生(青少年)服装研发、生产、销售、物流及校服综合服务的专业型企业,系3. She was repairing a glove when I came in. 我进去时,她在补手套. 4. I think that she has an iron hand in a velvet glove. 我认为她是一个外柔内刚的人. 5. The terro

A glove that encases the thumb separately from the other four fingers. 拇指和其它四个指头分开的手套。Your girlfriend fits you like a glove. 你女朋友和你很相配!I河流。3.A glove. 手套。1.Whose eyes never close? 谁的眼睛从来不…03964|基于9个网页2. 一只手套一只袜子,一只手套用英语怎么翻译_百度知道一只袜子a


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