

pull的短语 2023-12-06 12:48 407 墨鱼


tear短语归纳tear out撕下,扯下,拔起;tear up 撕碎,拔起(后一词义同tear out);tear down撕下,拆毁,tear at撕扯某物;tear sth.open把……撕开;tear sth.to(intotear 相关词组tear的翻译1. in tears : 流着泪;2. tear off : 扯掉,跑掉,匆匆写成;tear 相关例句及物动词1. He has torn a hole in his shirt. 他的衬衫扯破了一个洞。

Mother mended the tear in andrew's trousers. 妈妈补好了安德鲁裤子上的破洞。狂奔,疾驰[C] 例句:These economies have been on a tear. 这些经济体一直tear fence,tear hole,burst tear adj.+n. away tear 权威英汉双解英汉英英网络释义tears 显示所有例句v. 损坏damage 1. [t][i] 撕裂;撕碎;扯破;戳破to damage sth by p

Tear off 匆忙脱掉(衣服); 胡乱脱掉He tore off his coat and lay on the sofa. 他胡乱脱下外套就躺在了沙发上。迅速离开;跑掉He tore off without saying goodbye to us. 他没三、相关短语:tear apart v. 1.扯开;把…弄乱2.使心碎;把…痛苦地分开tear down v.[T] 1.拆毁;拆卸1.向···猛扑;冲下··· tear duct n.泪腺tear gas n.催泪瓦斯tear into 刺入,穿进;猛烈

相似短语tear at v. 撕扯tear it 打破计划,使希望破灭tear into 刺入,穿进;猛烈攻击,抨击;撕裂tear bomb n. 催泪弹tear tape n. 撕条micro tear 微裂纹tear stear down 1. 拆除;扯下They havetorn downthat dangerous wall. 他们已拆除了那堵危墙。tear into 1. 猛攻;向……猛扑The soldiers weretearing intothe enemy. 战士们


标签: 关于tear的固定搭配



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