

四的英文 2023-09-25 10:36 183 墨鱼


万能作文模板2:它包括单人和三人I go to school five times a week. From Monday to Friday, I get up in the morning. I wash my hands and wash my face. A1. This bag is ___ . My aunt bought it for me last Sunday. A.hisB.yoursC.hersD.mine 2023/06/09更新78次组卷1卷引用类题纠错收藏详情加入试卷2. —Da

(#`′)凸 “三人成众、三人行必有我师…”中文里“三人”有着特殊的意义那么“三人”对应的英文到底是three people还是three persons? 一起和小酱来看看吧01、peopl“动植物园之旅”(Are these cows??Look! Those are some horses…“购物”(Can I help you?…这三个话题,让学生从中选择一个话题,两人一组创编对话并表演,也可合并创编,教师择

【篇一】关于三人简单英语口语对话Bill:Hello,Jill. Jill:Hi,Bill. Bill:What happened? You look like a little upset. Jill:I'm worried about my exams. My teacher asks me t购物时怎样问价(how much is thiscoat/shirt?)怎样问要多少(how many …do you want?)学生两至三人一组自定角色练习。教师可布置出一个商店的环境供学生表演

模仿Part A,学生三人一组根据自己的需求,模拟购物场景进行购物活动。Step4: Sum up 总结本节课所学句型及文化知识。Step5: Homework 1.听读本节课所学的内容2.熟读本节课所学的对话。外带英文怎么说?给我来一份大麦克汉堡英文怎么说?答:套餐叫做extra value meal, 简称为value meal. 一号套餐时可说value meal No.1. 套餐也可以叫做combo meal. 简称为combo,

⊙﹏⊙‖∣° ALEX: Can I help you?SHERRY: Yes, I need to buy a computer for this semester.I was told it is cheaper to buy computers here.ALEX: Well, you heard rightB、C:Hi A:Now we are going to buy eletronic products.Who can tell me which shop we should go?B:I don't know.Maybe you can ask C.C:Hmm,Let me thinkAh,


标签: 三个人用英语怎么说



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