
about doing sth,about后面加doing吗

关于about的固定搭配 2023-12-29 11:00 592 墨鱼

about doing sth,about后面加doing吗

The meaning of IN THE PROCESS OF (DOING SOMETHING) is working on (doing something) that takes a certain amount of time to do. How to use in the process of (doing do something about somethingto do something tosolvea problem or stop a bad situationIf we don’t do something about it, the problem is going to get worse.What can be done about the r

about doing sth发音意思翻译关于做某事相似词语短语doing sth───正在做某事about doing───关于做enjoying doing sth───喜欢做某事appreciate doing sth网络梦想做某事;向往做某事;考虑做网络释义1. 梦想做某事人教版高一英even if/ though 即使5. Unit3 1. dream of/about doingsth梦想做某事2. take part in/join

这两个要看怎么用了!一般情况下是be about to do sth.意思是将要做某事.例如He is about to study.(他要去学习了). about doing sth一种是因为about是一个介what about doing sth,因为about是介词后面应该跟名词,动名词或者名词性短语,意思是“做……怎么样?”用于当对方谈论的事情暂未明确,需要询问清楚的时候,也可以用于向对方提

˙ω˙ 不一样。about to do sth:表示要去做某事,将去做某事。about doing sth:意思是关于什么的。拓展:例句:The match is about to begin.  比赛即将开始。Faith i1. 在使用aboutdoingsth作介词时,应注意其后面跟着的名词或代词必须是动作或行为。例如:I am thinking about my next travel plan.(我正在考虑我的下一个旅行计划。而不能说


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