
make—up,make it

make sure 2023-06-06 19:19 325 墨鱼
make sure

make—up,make it

make-up基本解释名词组成;化妆(品); 编排方式;排版make-up的解释make-up相关例句名词1. He has a stolidmake-up.他性情执拗。2. She seldom puts onmakmake-up音标['meikʌp] 读音make-up的德语解释汉语翻译n. 捏造英语解释:名词make-up: cosmetics applied to the face to improve or change your appearance 同义词:make

Kids Definition made-up adjective ˈmā-ˈdəp 1 : created from the imagination a made-up story 2 : marked by the use of makeup made-up eyelidsMmake up 美英na.弥补;起草;定;签订网络组成;化妆;编造第三人称单数:makes up现在分词:making up过去式:made up 同义词反义词v. prepare,make ready,contribute,form,co

+▽+ makeup 基本解释makeup的意思名词化妆;补充;构造;体格makeup 网络解释1. 化妆品:其他属于化妆品/药品结合物的有:含氟牙膏,同时又是止汗药(antiperspirants)的除臭剂,make-up 双语例句1、At the moment of indecision, we helped them make up their minds. 正在进退两难的当口,我们帮他们下了决心. ——《现代汉英综合大词

make-up的用法和样例:例句用作名词(n.) She never wears make-up. 她从来不搽化妆品。Her make-up is smudged. 她的化妆品已经被弄脏了。The girl got duded up with maThe general rule is that an even number of fermions make up a composite boson, whereas an odd number make up a composite fermion. 一个通则是,偶数个费米子会组成一

?▽? 异体字:make-up 英语解释:名词makeup: the way in which someone or something is composed 同义词:constitution, composition cosmetics applied to the face to improve make up gas补充气体make up machinery装配机械make up time补偿时间,补救时间,补算时间,超支时间,纠错时间,纠错时间foundation make upn. 粉底相似单词make upn. 1.化


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