

让某人做某事短语英语 2022-12-25 00:33 796 墨鱼


给某人某物givesth.tosbgivesbsomething[givesomethingtosb]gotothecinema[onSunday]1.sendsth.tosb70.seemtodosth.看起来像是在做..71.sendsth.tosb.把某物送给某人72.sendaway送你给好朋友Dilys准备了生日礼物,你并没有事先通知她,这是个惊喜。Dilys: Sorry, I’m late. 对不起,我迟到了。Sab: It’s fine. There you go.Happy birthday! 没关系。给你。生

send sth. to sb.把某物送给某人例句:simply fill in the coupon and send it to us.要得到我们的优惠,只需填写这份优惠表格并把它寄送给我们。词汇解析:send英文发音:send]中文释给某人提供某物的英语短语例句:可用于向某人提供某物或邀请某人做某事。You use "Can I", "Could I", and "Shall I" when you offer to help someone. 这一问题询问一个原

“给某人某物”用英语可以这么表达:give sth. to sb./give sb. sth/offer sb. sth。例如:Would you like to give me your name?能告诉我你的名字吗?give sth为某物和某人讲价【解释】with sb) (over sth) to argue with sb in order to reach an agreement, especially about the price of sth 争论;尤指)讲价【例句】I left him in

send sth. to sb.把某物送给某人例句:To take advantage of our special offer, simply fill in the coupon and send it to us. 要得到我们的优惠,只需填写这份优惠表格并“为某人买某物”的英语表达为:buy sth for sb/buy sb sth。例句:Lizzie bought herself a mountain bike.莉齐给自己买了一辆山地自行车。buy sth for sb 例:He bought some flo

provide、furnish。但表示“提供某物给某人”可以说:supply sth. for/to sb. 例句:The company plans tosupplya range of black tartan skilsto meet demand “向某人展示某物”英文:show sth to sb;show sb sth。例句:1、I'll show it to Benjamin. He's bound to know 我会把它给本杰明看,他肯定会知道。2、He show you the model?


标签: 陪伴某人英语



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