
hesitate to do sth造句简单,网络释义的例句

hesitate造句 2023-12-29 22:18 457 墨鱼

hesitate to do sth造句简单,网络释义的例句

If you have any other questions, please don't hesitate to contact me. 或者有另一种用法:feel free to do sth. 例句:If you have any other questions, please feel free to c1.Managers shouldn't hesitate to do it.北半球的管理者应该悉心听取他的真知灼见,勿犹豫,勿彷徨.2.A wicked person does not hesitate to do ill.人若变邪恶,使

20、Then I leave, Yu Ge, as long as there is a need for my Yang Kai thing, go through fire and water, and will nothesitate to doso. 21、Decision-maktake action (=begin to do something to solve a particular problem) 采取行动虽然action既能作可数名词也可作不可数名词,但在take action词组中action 为不可数名词,所以该词组

(1)hesitate to do sth.做某事犹豫不决hesitate about/over/at (doing) sth.做某事犹豫不决(2)hesitation n.犹豫without hesitation毫不犹豫地have no hes11.don'thesitate to contact me请随时联系我If you have any otherquestions, please don't hesitate to contact me. 同义词组:feel freeto do sth. 12.Ther

hesitate to do sth 造句1. She hesitated to speak up in the meeting because she was afraid of being criticized. 。2. He hesitated to ask her out on a date becauswant to do sth:想做某事He wants to watch TV after school.放学后他想去看电视。want sb to do sth:让某人做某事My mother wants me get up early.妈妈

I hesitate to disagree with you. 我不愿意和你意见相左。I hesitate to spend so much money on clothes. 我可不大愿意花这么多钱买衣裳。二、口语用法在口语中用于DonI hesitate to disagree with you. 我不愿意和你意见相左。I hesitate to spend so much money on clothes. 我可不大愿意花这么多钱买衣裳。二、口语用法在


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