

权衡利弊的男人能要吗 2023-09-27 16:29 130 墨鱼


权衡利弊的英语表达可以用一些常用词汇和短语来描述,比如:1. weigh the pros and cons:权衡利弊2. consider the advantages and disadvantages:考虑利弊3. balance the be沪江词库精选权衡利弊用英语怎么说、英语单词怎么写、例句等信息weigh the advantages and disadvantagesweigh the pros and constrade-off 相似短语weigh in v.参加,称

Balance advantages against disadvantages今天我们就来学习一下“权衡利弊”用英语如何表达吧。to weigh sth up 【英英释义】to think carefully about the advantages or disadvantages of a situation before making a

+ω+ 利弊权衡例句>> 3) He weighed its advantages against its disadvantages. 他权衡其利弊。4) Advantages must be set against disadvantages. 必须权衡利弊。例句>> 5) Eq权衡利弊pres and cons ; strike a balance ; strike a balance between ; take one thing with another ; tak

“权衡利弊”用英文怎么说?正确的表达:weigh up/consider pros and cons “利与弊”英语可以说pros and cons,在词典中的释义是:the advantages and disadvantages of something 权衡利弊[解释]:pres and cons ;strike a balance ;strike a balance between ;take one thing with another ;taken one thing with another ;took one thing wi

Weigh up the pros and cons 权衡利弊You have to weigh up all the pros and cons of the matter before you make a decision.在作出决定之前,你必须权衡此事的所有利弊。Women 2. weigh the pros and cons weigh v. 权衡,衡量pros and cons 利弊,正反两方面,赞成和反对的理由3. slam dunk 扣篮,大满贯(在这里应该是指那很棒呀的意思~) 4. be in debt 负债,


标签: 爱情权衡利弊经典句子



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