
it comes to,when it come to用法

不同场景下的结账含义 2023-12-23 12:06 268 墨鱼

it comes to,when it come to用法

when it comes to 当谈到…时when the time comes phr. 在时机成熟时when all comes to all adv.全局考虑后when it comes to the push 如果急需的话到了紧要关头when it comes to the英语阅读理解题目常见单词_百度知道focus on 针对,聚焦于,集中于it comes to涉及到it is essenhal to 最重要的是zhidao.baidu|基于1 个网页例句释义:全部,

ˇωˇ when it comes to是一个习语,是固定搭配。意思是:一谈到……就……而论。其英文的解释:as for something; speaking about something(至于某事,谈及某事)。近义词有:refer一、It comes to the job.二、When it comes to security.A:Why are you so whiny?B:It coms to the job.A:When it comes to security,we have to be cautiou

comes to───谈到;达到;共计to comes───未来地;将到来的when it comes to───当提到;就……而论;当提到…do it do it to───做吧做吧to do it───去做吧whenWhen it comes to不够流利的口语,2秒钟可以说相当宝贵了。注意:后面只能接名词性内容(名词/代词/分词/从句等)不能接动词哈。

when it comes to后面加什么可加动名词doing,或名词,因为这个to是介词。例如When it comes to dancing,I'm all thumbs。谈到跳舞,我真是一窍不通。1when it comes to用法when itit comes to+doing是“就而言,轮到”的意思。

如:Finally it comes to the conclusion


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