

May怎么造句简单 2023-12-31 10:23 340 墨鱼


1、I'm making a stew forlunch.(我炖个菜中午吃。2、We hadlunchat the golf club.(我们在高尔夫球俱乐部吃的午饭。3、She served us a deliciouslunch.(她招待我们吃了its time for lunch.(没必要说its time to have lunch) its time for class.(没必要说its time to begin the class.) they cant wait to see you i can hear/see you dance a

make 造句简单而短1. John knows how to make pancakes from scratch. 约翰知道如何从头开始制作煎饼。2. Can you make me a sandwich for lunch? 你能为我做一个午餐三明“lunch”的词组翻译:午餐用lunch造句(5句中英文):Let’s grab lunch together at that new café downtown

≥△≤ Tall giraffes are stretching high to reach their leafy lunch. 高高的长颈鹿伸展着高高的身体去吃它们丰盛的叶子午餐。Mice are short but have delicious,crunchy seeds to m1、Hide yourlunchbox. 2、I've already hadlunch. 3、Shall we havelunch? 4、She's gone tolunch. 5、bring up one'slunch 6、It's time forlunch. Let's ha

单词lunch 例句大全,用单词lunch造句:So after mylunch. 我吃过午饭后。to snooze afterlunch 午饭后小睡一会儿go and see aboutlunch. 去张罗午饭We adjourned forlunchlunch break造句1、It' s a great way to spend alunch break. 2、We had a beautiful lunch and luxurylunch breakof more than one hour. 3、We have ourlun

=It is time to have lunch这些都是小学的句子哦·· 32135 用I'd lunch造句I had rice for lunch.(我吃了米饭作为午餐.) 27151 at lunch time造句I have a 英语二比较简单,抓住重点好好复习,分数提高还是比较容易的。


标签: lunch简单造句



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