
middle autumn

百度百科的修改机制 2023-09-26 00:23 102 墨鱼

middle autumn

middle autumn发音意思翻译中秋节相似词语短语autumn───n.(Autumn)奥特姆(人名);n.秋天;成熟期;渐衰期,凋落期;adj.秋天的,秋季的middle───n.中间,中央;腰部;ad中秋节快乐的意思。回thank you。mid-autumn 英[mɪd ˈɔːtəm] 美[mɪd ˈ;

网络释义1. 中秋节同等学力英语高频词速记- 豆丁网Easter n. 复活节(春分月圆后的第一个星期日)middle-autumnn.中秋节eve n. 前夕* docin|基于20个网页首先,Middle Autumn并不是中国的节日,我国的"中秋节"译成英语应该是:the Mid-Autumn Festival 。按照习惯,中

The Middle-Autumn Festival is one of the traditional Chinese festivals,it is often held in September or ng the festival,family members get united and have mooncak百度试题结果1 题目Middle Autumn Day is another way of saying Middle Autumn Festival. A. \; \ B.The; \ C.\; the D.The; the 相关知识点:试题来源:解析C

字首mid- 是「在…中间」之意,而autumn 是「秋天」festival 则是「节日」按照字面上翻译,Mid-Autumn Festival 就是「中秋节」。另外,月亮可以说是中秋节的重要代表物,所以我们又01 the middle-autumn festival the middle-autumn festival is one of the traditional chinese festivals, it is often held in september or october. durin


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