
their组词造句,get back造句

their怎么造句 短一点 2023-12-21 18:23 315 墨鱼
their怎么造句 短一点

their组词造句,get back造句

1.be famous/know for(以.而闻名/因.而出名) Michael Jackson is famous for his dance.杰克逊以他的舞蹈出名. 2.no wonder(难怪) (应该是wonder才对! We've not had a new car ftheir的意思为:他们的;她们的;它们的。用它来造句有:I like their shoes.(我喜欢他们的鞋子),

概述:答:their造句Their favorite fruits are strawberry and banana. 他们喜欢的水果有草莓和香蕉。答:The pupils love their teacher. 中文释义:学生们爱他一个很简短的句子用their来造用I m' going totomorrow.造句。5句。大家帮帮忙! * I m' going to go to cinematomorrow. * I m' going to see the doctor t

组词,通常是指把单个汉字与其他合适的汉字搭配而组成双音节或多音节词语,常作为初等学校语文练习内容之一。但是要注意的是,组词时不能组人名,地名,专有名词等29、Their personalities are always wrapped up intheiruniforms. 30、Neville zaps boththeirwands out oftheirhands.

>▽< to some extent 从某种角度造句:To begin with, people tired of being persuaded to do something, to some extent, are ones typically who have their own ideas. mba8、theirglasses clinked,theireyes met.(他们碰杯庆祝,四目相接。9、theirage can be determined by extrapolation fromtheirgrowth rate.(它们的年龄可从其生长速度来推


标签: get back造句



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