
share with造句简单,bebasedon造句简单句子

get angry with造句 2022-12-26 10:13 925 墨鱼
get angry with造句

share with造句简单,bebasedon造句简单句子

1. share with:分享,分担的意思,后面接指人的名词或代词。例句1:I should share with you in the work.我应该与你分担这项工作。例句2:I have some very sad news to share wi26、Because sharing is life,share withthem whatever you have and give, bring other source together to share that whatever they have. 27、Profligacy,

1、share with造句简单带翻译

+0+ You can share the room with me tonight.Can you share my happiness with me?你能和我分享我的快乐么?Can you share my being happy with me?我愿与你分享我的share with造句31、I am cheerful, talkative, often with a smile, like to smile, like my own happiness toshare withall people. 32、It's the chitchat w

2、用share with造句简单

Please let meshare withyou some of my excitement of the past couple of weeks. 请允许我与你们分享我过去几周中的兴奋之情。英文例句大全为您提供share with英文例句大sharewith 造句篇一:sharewith 造句和分享you can share the room with me tonight. can you share my happiness with me 你能和我分享我的快乐,读根文库

3、用share with造句的句子

Can you share my happiness with me?你能和我分享我的快乐么?Can you share my being happy with 本视频由西部文明播报提供,视频内容为:孩子学习造句,戴眼镜的父母教不会自己的孩子,词语用错地方意思就变了,有3658人点赞,261939次播放,1362人对此视频发表评论。度小视是由百度团


标签: bebasedon造句简单句子



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