

e英语教程智慧版4unit6课件 2023-08-24 15:28 856 墨鱼


e英语教程2unit6 speakingListeningspeakingReadingGrammarWritingCultureexpressspeakingReadingGrammarWritingCultureexpressContentListeningspeakingListe英语教程3Unit 5;Listening and speaking;Pronunciation and listening skills ;;Tips;Conversations;;2. Listen again and check (?) what you hear. ;Scrip

e英语教程3Unit 5;Listening and speaking;Pronunciation and listening skills ;;Tips;Conversations;;2. Listen again and check (?) what you hear. ;ScripE英语教程(智慧版)第一册:Unit6 Reading A(6)日期:2019-12-03 11:40 (单词翻译:单击)MP3点击下载Reading can only be fun if you expect it to be. If you con

?▽? e英语教程1Unit 6 Content ListeningandspeakingReadingGrammarWritingCultureexpress Listeningandspeaking PronunciationandlisteningskillsConversations Passage ListeningtotimeListen50、3) make a living by doing sth.: 靠做某事谋生e.g. ReadingGrammarWritingCulture expressI would rather work with a musician with less ability but a great attitude th

E英语教程2Unit6PPT 英语教程2Unit speakingReading Grammar Writing Culture express Content listeningskills PassageListening Distinguishingbetween factE英语教程(第二版)1 教师用书U6.pdf,Unit 6 Listening and speaking Pronunciation and listening skills Scripts 1 Will you share the book with her? 2 Th

?﹏? e.g.: Supposing that people don’t believe you, what will you do? You can go out, as / so long as you promise to be back before 10 o’clock. 3) Provi英中对照中英对照英文在前中文在前只看英文只看中文John, you didn't come to class yesterday. 约翰,你昨天没来上课。What happened? 发生什么了?Oh


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