

往后余生万般皆你英文 2023-11-24 20:40 534 墨鱼


●△● 英文版For the rest of my life 往后余生When snow covers the hills When the wind overs the trees Road is long You are not alone When the dawn breaks往后的余生我只要你For the rest of my life, in the snowy winter, you would be there. Whether the life is dull and simple or affluent, you can always

往后余生全都是你翻译为:You are the one and the only for the rest of my life.1、only英[ˈəʊnli]   美[ˈoʊnli]  adj.唯一的;仅有的;最好的,最适当的adv.只,仅仅;往后余生全是你中文翻译英语It's you for the rest of your life 复制拼音对照:wǎng hòu yú shēng quán shì nǐ 参考资料: 1.百度翻译:往后余

>▂< 往后余生全都是你翻译为:You are the one and the only for the rest of my life。1、only英[往后余生都是你英语翻译You are the one and the only for the rest of my life. For the rest of my life.©2022 Baidu |由百度智能云提供计算服务| 使用百度前必读| 文

英语世界vlog 关注“往后余生都是你”用英语怎么说#英语#英语口语#教育2022-06-28 这是一片荒地,点击评论往后余生全都是你翻译为:You are the one and the only for the rest of my life.1、only 英[ˈəʊnli] 美[ˈoʊnli]adj.唯一的;仅有的


标签: 余生都是你英文缩写



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