

sample造句 2023-09-28 12:09 382 墨鱼


权威造句1. Thesailorwent through all the motions smartly. 这个水手机灵地走了走过场。来自柯林斯例句2. a lonesailorcrossing the Atlantic 独自横渡大西洋的人来自《权威词典》单词Sailor 例句大全,用单词Sailor造句:It laid an egg every day, which the oldsailorhad fried for his breakfast. 它每天产蛋一只。老水手将它煎了当早饭。The next mo

(`▽′) sailor n. 1. 水手;海员a person who works on a ship as a member of the crew 2. 驾船人a person who sails a boat 例句释义:全部,水手,海员,驾船人,船员,写乐,水兵更If I was just asailorcould I sail without a boat. 如果我只是一个水手,没有船我可以远航吗. 期刊摘选Thesailorput in for time to visit his family before the ship wen

?^? sailor造句复制1、Thesailorwas so happy to have such a son.(海员很高兴有这样的儿子。2、The body of the drownedsailorwas washed up.(淹死的水手的尸体被冲到了岸边79. A smooth sea never made a skilled sailor. 平静的大海从来没养成过熟练的水手。80. If you don't stand for something you will fall for anything. 如果你不坚持某种信仰,

1、a good [ bad ]sailor 2、Going my way,sailor? 3、Her husband is asailor. 4、An inexperiencedsailor; a landlubber. 5、He could reply like asailorsailor英语造句,1、The sailor dislikes to have his ship get into the trough of the sea.海员很不愿意让船只陷入海浪的波谷之中。2、Include:


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