
at meanwhile,meanwhile连接两个句子

meanwhile可以连接句子吗 2023-12-04 14:26 533 墨鱼

at meanwhile,meanwhile连接两个句子

必应词典,为您提供at-the-meanwhile的释义,用法,发音,音标,搭配,同义词,反义词和例句等在线英语服务。meanwhile音标['mi:nhwail] 读音汉语翻译n. 其时,其间ad. 同时,于此时英语解释:名词meanwhile: the time between one event, process, or period and another 同义词:in

ˇ﹏ˇ 『最早』的时候,meanwhile的词性只是adv(副词),而meantime则只是名词;meanwhile表示一个时间段,『侧重』的是单纯的时间间隔,因此meanwile也可表示同一时刻6. meanwhile的翻译6. At first, the basic requirements of numerical control cutting of plate material in manufacturing enterprises are analyzed, on the basis of w

In the meanwhile, I’m going to study chemistry.我希望最终能上医学院,这之前我打算学化学。9.The court is deliberating; meanwhile, we must be patient.See Usage Not网络释义meanwhile 显示所有例句adv. 1. 同时;与此同时while sth else is happening 2. 其间in the period of time between two times or two events 3. (比较两方面)对比

meanwhile连接两个句子,所以在meanwhile出现的地方,前后一定各有一句。while 连接同一个句子中的2个不同动作,所以句子一定只有一句。如:I went to a concert. Meanwhile, my friat the meanwhile用法【原创版】1.介绍"at the meanwhile"的含义和用法2.解释"at the same time"的含义和用法3.比较"at the meanwhile"和"at the same time"的异同4.提


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