

用friendly造句 2024-01-02 11:13 394 墨鱼


ˇ△ˇ 65.I think women are softhearted.If we ask Miss Sun to go over, maybe she'dhavesomeinfluence. 我想女人心肠软,请孙小姐去走一趟,也许有点门路——- 来源-- 汉英- 12.History influences both the present and the future.历史既影响现在又影响将来. 13.In this way, you will exert an influence first of all on the young people and t

exercise influence on对…施加影响under the influence受到影响dynamic influence动力影响influence area影响面积,影响区influence coefficient影响系数influence of cAlthough she is only a minority shareholder, she still has a lot of influence over the company. 虽然她只是一个小股东,但她却对公司有很大的影响。Although she is st

one having power to influence another "she was the most important influence in my life"; " he was a bad influence on the children" v. have and exert influence or 5. one having power to influence another v. 1. have and exert influence or effect 2. shape or influence; give direction to 3. induce into action by using one's ch

influence双语翻译,influence在线翻译例句I fell under the influence of a history master. 我当时深受一位历史老师的影响。The Shropshire landscape was an influence o'influence'是英国的词语,可以翻译为“影响”、“感染力”、“势力”、“影响力”等。这个词语用于描述一个人、事物或者事件对另一个人、事物或事件产生的效

(-__-)b Don't let me influence your decision.不要让我影响你的决定。The labour enthusiasm of the workers strongly influenced us.工人们的劳动热情极大地感染5、Nepotism; Petticoatinfluence 6、Influence Hisinfluencemade me a better man. 7、He has a calminginfluence, a commandinginfluence. 8、Some of those


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