

traditions造句 2023-11-22 23:10 286 墨鱼


Hiseagernesswill not avail against the fitness and skill of his opponent. 他求胜心切,但这并不能抵挡得住对手的健壮与技艺。She said so in hereagernessto meet himovereagerness的造句和例句:1. The mistakes we have made since the founding of the people's republic were all due to overeagerness : disregarding china's realities

+0+ eagerness的意思是“渴望,热心,热切”,通常表示对即将发生的事情或想要做的事情感到兴奋和期待。它可以用来描述人或动物的情感或态度,也可以用来描述某种行为或现象。下2、The letters show an eagerness, an animation. 3、having or showing great eagerness or enthusiasm. 4、Academic eagerness to succeed is the opposite

ItwasnotthatIhadlostmyeagernesstoexploreand castlightonthingswhichhadfilledtheseminar,oncethetrialgot under way. 不是因为一旦审判开始进行我就失去了探讨、揭示充满2. I shall await your answer to my letter witheagerness. 急盼复信. 来自《简明英汉词典》3. His hands trembled witheagernessas he opened the letter. 他拆信时因急切而双手发抖

≥^≤ Every year people look forward to the day with great eagerness. 每年人们都急切地盼望那一天. 来自辞典例句6. Marianne's eagerness to be gone declared her dependenc单词eagerness 例句大全,用单词eagerness造句:What made it easy for me to come to Africa was myeagernessto immerse myself in a new culture. 对异国文化的渴望使我轻易


标签: eagerness的用法及短语



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