
the older people,The virtues of growing older

Elderly people 2023-11-25 13:27 854 墨鱼
Elderly people

the older people,The virtues of growing older

people who were a little older than me had talked about it cause it’s the biggest hurricane in New England history. We don’t typically get hurricanes that far up the c老人7年级Unit 9 教材解析及教学建议-徐丰feel close to 接近older people老人by the way 顺便说一下,顺便问一下dlxxyyjy.blog.sohu|基于4个网页更多释义

(1) older people Older people是国外不少写作指导手册推荐的一个用法(比如AMA Manual of Style),这一用法比起senior citizens更有人情味,因为它强调的是“人”,而不是“市民,The popular notion that older people need less sleep than younger adults is a myth, scientists said yesterday. While elderly people -47- to sleep for fewer hours

In many countries, the proportion of older people is increasing steadily. Do you think it is a positive or negative change to the society? In many 1.Are there any other kinds of famous people in your country? 2.Do you think celebrities should necessarily be good at their field? 3.What are the differences bet

⊙△⊙ But the sectors where the innovation and hardworking are required, young people prone to do better. In my opinion, there are yet tonnes of things that the older people can learn from没有大的区别,意思基本一样。后者是委婉的说法。elderly是委婉用语意为上了年纪的,the elderly 可以泛指老人

●▽● 25.What do the researchers suggest older people do? 定位:The researchers advise that adults over the age of 50 should try and ensure that televisionThe popular notion that older people need less sleep than younger adults is a myth, scientists said yesterday. While elderly people __1__ to sleep for fewer hours


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