

stable例句 2023-12-28 15:22 317 墨鱼


单词disagree 例句大全,用单词disagree造句:Because Idisagree. 因为我不同意。Idisagreewith that. 我认为不然。dishdisagreewith sb. 菜不合某人的口味Be brief , Idis2. She could be wayward, petulant, anddisagreeable. 她有时也会任性、脾气很坏、很暴躁. 来自《简明英汉词典》3. The weather is reallydisagreeable; one minute th

ˇ^ˇ 10、1.disagreeableto the hearer; unpleasant to the ear; 2.to sounddisagreeableto the ear 11、You learn how to disagree without beingdisagreeable. 12disagreeable造句复制1、It includes an ability to accept new and sometimes evendisagreeableideas.(它包括接受新的观点,有时甚至是不愿接受的观点的能力。2、You saw

disagreeable person造句1、a disagreeable person, mood, experience 2、A disagreeable person, event, or situation.更新时间:2022-07-30 01:28:33 上一He's a mostdisagreeableman. 他是个脾气很坏的人。Stop being sodisagreeable! 别这么讨人嫌!She is always sodisagreeableto Bridget. 她对布里奇特总是这

Many of the facts are disagreeable . 里面的许多事实,非常令人不快。Do n't speak if you do n't know the facts .. 不了解情况不要乱放炮。Fact is inextricably commin1、He seemed to take a perverse pleasure in being disagreeable. 他似乎在招人厌恶中得到一种反常的乐趣。2、I had the sensation that I was being watched. 我觉得有人


标签: uncomfortable造句简单



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