
sent 短语,sent with

send常用短语及意思 2022-12-25 21:59 358 墨鱼

sent 短语,sent with

音标:sent] send的过去式和过去分词在线英汉词典sent的短语、例句:sent pt, pp of send. 标签:sent,用法,音标,短语昵称* 我说两句: 点击提交* 请您文明上网,理性发言5、警句,格言,谚语v. (动词)1、宣判,判决2、使遭受读法:英['sentəns] 美['sentəns]短语:1、sentence for 因…扩展资料sentence, condemn这两个词的共同意

我的心知道它的存在,我的心能感觉得到它Mon coeur le sait, mon coeur le sent 觉心的汉法大词典觉心的法语短语觉心的法文例句觉心的网络释义觉心日本absent=ab+sent ab前缀表“否定”,词根sent表“送”。不把自己送到现场,就是absent“缺席的,不在场的”。大家注意absent使用的时候有一个短语:be absent from…每年三月份,我国都

过去式:sent 过去分词:sent 2send双语例句Have you anything to send? 你有东西要寄吗?。Do you have any catalogs to send me? 你有什么商品目录可以寄给我吗?We send them to h一、sent的短语及意思?1/sent释义:v. 送,寄出(send 的过去式和过去分词) n. 分(爱沙尼亚货币单位,1克鲁恩等于100分) 例句:He often spoke of his compassion, but he could not

≥﹏≤ 英语词汇:send 的10 个常见短语和例句Send back 送回;退还My new shoes were a little small, so I sent them back. 我的新鞋有点小,所以我把它们退回去了。The earphonesend 的短语:send word 1. 发送消息他传来话说他很忙。he sent word that he was busy. send away for 1. 函购;函索你可以来函索取处方。you can send away for the rec

(sent 是send的过去式和过去分词) send out 1.放出,发出2.分发3.发送;派遣;发出请柬send out 发送;派遣;发出请柬send up 1.使升高2.【口】判决入狱发出;射出sent[sμnt]sending,sends send的词性:v.tr.(及物动词) 1.To cause to be conveyed by an intermediary to a destination: 送:用工具使…被运送到目的地:用法与例句:send


标签: sent with



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