

even例句 2023-09-28 15:51 460 墨鱼


log 显示所有例句n. 1. 原木a thick piece of wood that is cut from or has fallen from a tree 2. (某时期事件的)正式记录,日志;尤指)航海日志,飞行日志an official reco【例句】The captain alwayskeeps a log. 船长总会记下航海日志。3. 【释义】3 aLOGARITHM 对数verb 1. 【释义】T]to make an official record of events, facts etc

(-__-)b 英文短句/例句1.engine log book机舱日志,轮机日志2.The log module is divided into safe record, debugging record and trace record.日志模块分为安全日志、调试日志和1. I keep a log of my daily activities. 2. The captain wrote the ship's movements in the log. 3. The wildfire left a charred log in its wake. 4. Could you please

4、We'llloganother section of the area today、今天我们要砍伐另一部分林区的树木。5、log什么意思6、How many hours have youlogged?你的飞行时数是多少?7、The cap19、Log files are archived when the database manager closes thelogfile. 20、You can configure mysqld tologslow queries in the aptly named slow query

-log- = -loq- 说log [lɒg] vi. 伐木vt. 切;伐木;航行n. 记录;航行日志;原木拆分:词根直接表单词→ 每天说的内容→ 日志例句:The system is unable to log you on单词log 例句大全,用单词log造句:airlog 航空里程计a bump on alog. 呆头呆脑的人adjustedlogrule 调整的圆木材积表dipole acousticlog 偶极声波测井logdata acquisitio


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