
be different from翻译,make friends翻译

get better grades的翻译 2023-11-07 11:59 116 墨鱼
get better grades的翻译

be different from翻译,make friends翻译

be different from的用法和样例:例句Their school is different from ours. 他们的学校与我们的不同。Reading and writing are different skills. 阅读与cattle from a different family of the same breed 同种但不同科的牛be different 与众不同be different to 与不同相似单词different adj. 1.不同的,有区别的,有差异的2.分别的,各别


be different from翻译释义:与…不同,不同于例句:If you spoke in the first person, the word wouldbe different fromin the third person. 用第一人称讲话,所用的词会be different from中文翻译意思指:不同于,与不同。例句:1、He wants to push himself forward and be different from the others. 他就爱出风头,搞个人突出。2、Will l

二、be different from翻译词组

常用的短语:be clearly different from 明显不同于be very different from 与。。。有很大不同be quite different from 相当不同例句:That's why the futurebe different from基本解释,与…不同,不同于,同近be different from相关例句和用法They are new – they can help us make the most of our caring – and that’s why the

三、be different from翻译英文

美英na.和…不同网络与…不同;与…不同的;表示与……不同英汉网络释义na. 1. 和不同,和有别Social customs are greatly different from country to country.各个国家的社会风俗很不相同。The recorder is different in color from that of original sample.录音机的


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