

ted演讲观后感英文 2023-12-03 19:11 710 墨鱼


第一篇:ted演讲观后感英文(TED英文演讲)为球鞋疯狂——观后感“Be Crazy about sneakers.”———Feedback Almost every basketball fan is dreaming about 第一篇:TED英文演讲)阅读全世界——观后感“Reading the world.”———Feedback Key words: global reading plan abundance As the speaker described her

(^人^) (TED英文演讲)防患于未然——观后感“Presence of mind”——Feedback Key words: stre pre-mortem ahead of time According to the lecture, our brain undeTed演讲是非常好的英语材料,同时可以拓宽视野。这是一篇TED演讲和我的观后感。Here is the video: http://v.youku/v_show/id_XODAxNTA5ODUy.html The ol

文档描述.“Ways to get better.”-FeedbackKey words:deliberate study, analysis, reflections.Many people always express their complaints to others that they didnt obtai欢迎来到大学网,以下是聘才小编为大家搜索整理的ted演讲稿英文,欢迎大家阅读。莱温斯基ted演讲稿(英文版)You're looking at a woman who was publicly silent for a decade

∪ω∪ 以下是整理的TED英语演讲;超能陆战队观后感英文:篇一:《超能陆战队》英文观后感Superheres dn’t alas need t have six paks and ldemeanrs. The an als have; 大学英语作而这次演讲的主题是:用艺术颠覆世界,我相信,很多人都会认为艺术是有美学价值的、是有哲学价值、是情感表达,还有一定的娱乐性听到最多的就是科技颠覆世界,那

●ω● Last year when I was here, I was speaking to you about a swim which I did across the North Pole.去年,当我站在这里的时候,我在谈论我横跨北极的游泳,TED英文演讲稿:谈篇一:TED观后感Paul Bloom: The Origins of Pleasure My eyes are attached by the title of the speech. Because I have been ondering that ho can I feel happier on ear


标签: ted演讲的秘密读后感



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