
upforsomething,up to

put up with doing 2023-11-04 14:11 806 墨鱼
put up with doing

upforsomething,up to

一、意思不同1、make sth up:补足,弥补。2、make up for sth:补偿。二、用法不同1、make sth up:纠正或改正不句式“be up for something”The expression "be up for something" meansthat you want to or are willing to dosomething."be up for something"这个短语意思是你想要或愿意做某

今天李华学到了两个常用语,一个是up for something。意思是愿意作某件事。李华学到的另一个常用语是spot someone。意思是借钱给某个人。平台声明Cornflake Coin 1 The find ‘Look!’cried Kerry. She was scrabbling in the long grass. ‘What is it?’asked Omar. It was lunchtime, and Kerry and O

Hello everybody, welcome to e-cubed, today anther phrasal verb, to do something up, almost always usually we say to do it up. I'm going to do it up. We did it up. Are yUp To Something - LRN Slime/CORBAL/Shiloh Dynasty Lyrics by:Ciara Nicole Simms/CORBAL Records/Loic Pieri One more Shot 'cause I feel like you're up to somethin' *** that you're up to

美英释义:全部更多例句筛选up for something 英美adj.对…来说都可以同意up for something的用法和样例:词汇搭配put something up for auction将(某物)交付拍卖分享单词到:


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