

Appeal造句 2023-12-12 19:18 804 墨鱼


˙^˙ imagination造句1. With her vivid imagination, she was able to bring the characters in her stories to life. 2. Imagination is the key to unlocking creativity and 英汉英英网络释义imagination 显示所有例句n. 1. [u][c] 想象力;想象the ability to create pictures in your mind; the part of your mind that does this 2. [u] 想象

By no stretch of theimaginationcan you call him ambitious. 不管你怎么想,也不能说他存有野心。英文例句大全为您提供imagination英文例句大全,imagination英文造句,关于iall imagination的造句和例句:1. Drogheda's profits soared out of all imagination . 德罗达的利润正在以难以想象的速度直线上升。2. If all imagination has to build u

She always has a morbid imagination. 她总在做病态的想像。The distance of a light year boggles the imagination. 一光年的距离大得令人难以想象。By no stretch of th9、The new curriculum; writing;imagination. 10、He's got an overactiveimagination.' 11、a stretch of theimagination 12、Research shows this is not

+ω+ 造句例句与造句Imagination! est le nom d'un pavillon du parc EPCOT de Walt Disney World Resort. L'attraction a ouvert dans le théâtre latéral du pavillon Imag1、They use puppets to capture the imagination of younger audiences. 2、Their music continues to capture the imagination of the American public. 3、

imagination造句复制1、Latanya is a woman with a vividimagination.(拉坦尼娅是一个想像力丰富的女人。2、imaginationis busy sketching rose-tinted pictures of joy1 . A child may not differentiate between his imagination and the real world. 儿童可能无法将自己的幻想与真实世界区分开来。来自柯林斯例句2 . A con


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