
have got to,have to do

have gotten used to 2023-09-24 20:31 401 墨鱼
have gotten used to

have got to,have to do

1. 释义区别: "have got to" 是"have to" 的非正式表达,意为必须、不得不。"have to" 表示必须、需要、有责任have got to 的翻译have got to [hæv gɔt tu:] 释义:不得不;必须例句:I have got to meet my partner every Friday. 每周五我必须和我的合伙人碰头. 换一句繁體版H

have got to 英[hæv gɒt tu]美[hæv ɡɑːt tu] 不得不;必须have got to的用法和样例:例句You have to rewrite the article. 你不得不重新改写这篇文章。She had to have got to基本解释,必须;不得不,同近have got to相关例句和用法We would like to save them, but they have got to save themselves, and I do not believe they are wil

have got to 美英v.必须网络不得不英汉网络释义v. 1. 必须例句释义:全部,必须,不得不更多例句筛选1. Based on spoken and written corpora, the present study agotta=have got to 不得不gotta是老外最常用的口语缩略语全称为have got to这是美式表达相当于英式表达中的have to(必须,不得不) 人们也经常把have got t

⊙﹏⊙ have got to的意思、解释have got to 基本解释必须;不得不;非得;have got to 网络解释1. 不得不;必须:have fun with 玩得高兴| have got to 不得不,必须| have to 不得单词"have got to" 是一个常见的英语短语,用于表示某人必须做某事或某事情是必须的。它常常被缩写为"have to"。以下是该单词的详细解释:例句:I have got to finish this r


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