

介词的用法 2023-11-30 18:13 540 墨鱼


过去式:rabbited; 过去分词:rabbited; 现在分词:rabbiting; 实用场景例句全部兔子野兔兔子肉猎兔唠叨arabbithutch 兔笼牛津词典Objective : To explore the effect Rabbit sales better than pork. 兔肉比猪肉卖的好。【英】【口】板球,网球等的)蹩脚的运动员[C] 例句:I'm just a rabbit at cricket. 我的板球打得一点

1、rabbit 读音:英[ˈræbɪt],美[ˈræbɪt]。释义:n.\t兔子;兔;兔肉;野兔。vi.\t猎兔;捕兔。例句:She jumped back like a startled rabbit. 她像受惊的兔子似的跳了回去。rabbit: 1、I saw a little bunnyrabbiton my lawn. 我在我家草坪上看到一只小兔子。2、Hare andRabbitwalked to Boo - Boo 's circus wagon. 家兔和野兔向波波的四轮马车走去。

单词rabbit 例句大全,用单词rabbit造句:A monkey has a tail. Arabbithas a short tail. 一个猴子有长尾巴。一个兔子有短尾巴。The hunter quietly aimed his gun at thera例句:I'm too far down the proverbial rabbit hole to be able to turn back, so part of me knows this is a permanent shift of some sort. 我已经沿着众所周知的路越走

+▽+ rabbit的用法和样例:例句用作名词(n.) The rabbit burrowed under the fence. 兔子在篱笆下打洞。The magician conjured a rabbit out of his hat. 魔术,例句:Rabbit sales better than pork.,兔肉比猪肉卖的好。【英】【口】(板球,网球等的)蹩脚的运动员[C] , 例句:I'm just a rabbit at cricket.,我的

9. The rabbIt'started off as soon as It'smelt the dogs. 野兔一嗅到有狗的气味便迅速跑开了. 10. The dogs were smelling round; perhaps they smelt the thief. 那些狗在那些堵住出口的汽车可能使这地方成为死亡陷阱。14. The trap had cut deeply into the rabbit's flesh. 捕夹深深嵌入了兔子的肉里。15. Suspecting nothing, he walked rig


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