

盼望用英语怎么说 2023-08-29 12:36 484 墨鱼


沪江词库精选盼望用英语怎么说、英语单词怎么写、例句等信息expect 相似短语expect of对…期望(要求) expect tovt.期待,等待expect the extremity以防万一,准备一死least盼望,期待Look forward to 期待盼望的短语Phrase of expectation 期待盼望做某事Look forward to doing sth 盼望期待做某事Look forward to doing sth

【篇⼀】英语⼝语期待怎么说  anticipate; await; expect; wait in hope; look forward to   例句:  We are expecting you to make a decision .  我们期待你作出“期待”的英文怎么说?答案期待:1. to look forward to2. to await3. hope for:希望,期待4. lot on:v. 期待5. look towards:v. 期待6. expectation:n. 期待,期望/v. 期待

盼望英语常用Looking forward to;expect来表达。重点词汇解释:1、Look vt. 看;期待;注意;面向;看上去像vilook forward to展望(期待)to是介词,其后接名词或动词-ing形式。例句:I look forward to the future with confidence. 我对未来充满信心。look forward翻译为期待;盼望。look f

一、期待、盼望的英语?hope希望,期望,盼望;短语构成hope for wish希望,祝愿desire to希望expect预期,期待,盼望;in expectation of期望look forward to盼hope希望,期望,盼望;短语构成hope for wish希望,祝愿desire to希望expect预期,期待,盼望;in expectation of 期望look forward to盼望,期待anticipate预期

˙▽˙ 盼望期待的英文短语关于盼望的相关短语有:殷切盼望be anxious for 急切盼望expect eagerly 盼望着look forward to 凡事盼望hopes all things 取得盼望make headway 盼望永英文翻译Looking forward to 重点词汇盼望───look forward to;期待───expect 双语使用场景Who would you look forward to attend the meeting?───你希望谁来


标签: 玩的开心用英语怎么说



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